Kali Mac Address Hack



The objective is to change or fake an original network card's hardware MAC address. The following article will show how to change MAC address using macchanger on Kali Linux.
  1. Here, eth0: First Ethernet interface; l0: Loopback interface; wlan0: First wireless network interface on the system.(This is what we need.Step 2: Stop the current processes which are using the WiFi interface. Airmon-ng check kill. Step 3: To start the wlan0 in monitor mode. Airmon-ng start wlan0. Step 4: To view all the Wifi networks around you. Airodump-ng wlan0mon.
  2. Jan 30, 2019  After This, Lets check our current MAC address if its changed or not. Type this in terminal to check the MAC address. Macchanger -s eth0; Look our MAC address has ben changed successfully. If U want to Change the MAC address to default Then again you have to turn down you network connection and then type this command. Macchanger -p eth0.


If you see “WPA” or “WPA2” immediately to the left of the network’s name, you can proceed; otherwise, you cannot hack the network. Note the MAC address and channel number of the router. These pieces of information are to the left of the network’s name: MAC address — This is the line of numbers on the far-left side of your router. I’m going to answer the question you asked, then the question you might mean. The MAC address is the physical “serial number” of the network card in your device. It’s supposed to be unique worldwide. It’s only used by machines on your local netwo.

Privileged access to you Kali Linux system.




  • # - requires given linux commands to be executed with root privileges either directly as a root user or by use of sudo command
  • $ - requires given linux commands to be executed as a regular non-privileged user


Change to a Random MAC address

First, let's see how we can use Kalimacchanger to change network card's hardware MAC address to a random address. We can start by investigating our current MAC address of eg eth0 network interface. To do this we execute macchanger with an option -s and an argument eth0.The network interface you are about to change a MAC address on must be turned off prior your MAC address change attempt. Use ifconfig command to turn off your network interface:If the following error message appears you have most likely failed to turn off your network interface:Now, its time to change network card's hardware MAC address to some random hexadecimal numbers:Bring your network interface up and display your new MAC addres:
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Check new MAC address

Your new MAC address will now show while listing network interface using ifconfig command:

Change to a Specific MAC address

Hack With Kali Linux

The following procedure on Kali Linux can be used to spoof MAC address to a specific string. This can be achieved by use maccachnager's -mKali

Kali Linux Hack Tools


Kali Mac Address Hack Free

Use -l

Kali Hacking Commands

option to find a MAC address prefix of a specific hardware vendor: