- This is the only free cluster analysis software available for PC's. Cytometry 14:649-659, 1993. Author: Tom Bakker Schut, Netherlands. Richard Allen Cox is enhancing AUTOKLUS. For further information about the status of this project, see the Flow Cytometry Support Home Page. Original free Schut AUTOKLUS program. Information about the included.
- Nov 12, 2018 FlowJo 10.0 for Mac is a professional application to analyze and display the flow cytometric data and provides a variety of analysis tools for microscopic particles. FlowJo 10.0 for Mac Review The FlowJo 10 is among the best analysis applications for handling the FCM data i.e. Flow Cytometry.
- Flow Cytometry Free Software Mac
- Cellquest Flow Cytometry Software
- Flow Cytometry Programs
- Flow Cytometry Analysis Software Free Mac
Powerful and intuitive flow cytometry data analysis. Order a free 30-day fully functional test version below. Show all MACSQuantify products Background information. Download a 30-day trial version of the MACSQuantify Software. Learn about flow cytometry software automation with Express Modes. Matching products: Search / order no. Apr 05, 2007 Top: Forum Archives:: Flow cytometry. Free FACS analysis software for PC - (Aug/22/2006 ) Pages: 1 2 3 Next. I am using BD FACScalibor and the CellQuest to aquire and analyse my data on Mac, but would like to find a compitalbe software which I.
Cyflogic is a flow cytometry data analysis tool for Microsoft Windows enviroment. It has all regular analysis capabilities, such as dot plot, histogram and statistics. In addition, Cyflogic offers new innovative tools for your data analysis. Go and check features page to see more!
These pages offer you a newest version of Cyflogic, help, support and discussion about users new ideas, bug fixes, scripts etc.
Current version is 1.2.1
The newest version of Cyflogic is 1.2.1. (released 19th of November, 2008).

If you have older version installed into your computer, go to the Download page and download the latest version! From Version history page you can check the benefits of the new version.
If you want to keep your Cyflogic updated, please visit these pages frequently; new versions appear quite often.
Free version vs. Licenced version
Cyflogic is free for non-commercial academic use. All normal analysis capabilities exist in the free version.
Hovewer, if you buy a licence for your research group / company, you will get the number of extremely nice features, such as cell cycle analysis. Check here for more information.
Philosophy of Cyflogic
Cyflogic offers already some tools which cannot be found anywhere else. But it is not enough for us; we will continue to develop and publish new analysis tools.
Obviously we cannot know exactly what kind of tools you want and whether the existing tools offer you the features you need. That is why this site offers also Development forum, which makes it possible to discuss about new features, ideas and naturally report possible bugs.
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Author of Cyflogic
Flow Cytometry Free Software Mac
Perttu Terho, Mika Korkeamaki, CyFlo Ltd.
Cellquest Flow Cytometry Software
CyFlo Ltd, a microbiological and immunological research and development company for the food and feed industry, life sciences sector and other industries interested in microbes and immunity.
Flow Cytometry Programs
Flow Cytometry Analysis Software Free Mac
©Perttu Terho & ©CyFlo Ltd, Cyflogic analysis software package is for non-commercial research use only and not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. Not for resale or to be reproduced or copied. Cyflogic software and Cyflogic logo and trademarks are property of CyFlo Ltd. All rights reserved.