Apr 07, 2013 c’mon, if you make professional sites the first thing you learn is that you will have a mainstream CSS, minor fixes for Chrome, some fix for Safari (or Safari Mac) and a load of fixes to support IE6 (still used in China guys), IE7, then odd stuff for IE8, exceptions IE9, just to discover that on IE10 there’s other problems. However you can retain the Safari-only aspect by combining it with the Opera-only rule below. Opera Generally speaking Opera doesn’t require many CSS hack since it’s perhaps the most standards. May 08, 2007 Mac OS users only account for 3.89% of site visits 1 and 1.7% of the site visits are on Safari, 2 so 2.19% of the population is on a mac and surfing the web with something other than Safari. In otherwords, I can’t find the stats now on IE5 mac usage, but it is likely a large chunk of the 2.19% of the population that is using a mac, but not.
Default paragraphs in this page have yellow background. In any of the following test cases a blue background is set with a special (hack) rule. When the background is blue, the hack is applied.
Note: 'All' IE5+/Win, Op6+, Moz, IE5/Mac, Saf
IE5/Mac only
/**//*/ selector { property: value; } /**/
All except IE5/Mac
/**/ selector { property: value; } /**/
IE6- only
/**/ * html selector { property: value; } /**/
IE5.5- only
selector { property: value; property: normal-value; }
IE7 standard only
*:first-child+html selector { property: value; }
All except IE6-
html>body selector { property: value; }
IE6+ quirks and IE5 (= all IE/Win quirks) only
* html selector { property /**/: value; }
All except IE6 standards
selector { property /**/: value; }
All except IE5.0
selector { property/**/: value; }
All except IE5.5
selector { property: /**/value; }
Op < 9.5 only
@media all and (min-width: 0px) { html:first-child selector { property: value; } }
Safari 3 only
selector:not(:root:root) { property: value; }
Safari only
@media all and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) { selector { property: value; } }
Gecko (1.8+) only
@-moz-document url-prefix() { selector { property: value; } }